Saturday, March 22, 2008

Udon Miso Soup

Udon and Tofu Miso Soup
Serves 6

2 Tbs Sriracha
2 shallots, sliced
1 cm ginger, smashed
4 oz cremini mushrooms, chunked
1 quart chicken stock (or other)
Boiling water
1/4c Miso, or more to taste

1 package tofu, cubed
2 bunches watercress, or other tender greens
1 lbs fresh udon
2 scallions, sliced thin

Heat up a soup pot, and add the sriracha, shallot, ginger, and mushrooms. After a few minutes, add the stock and enough water to cover the various ingredients - about 3 cups. Mix in the miso and bring to a boil.

Add the tofu and greens and noodles and bring back to a boil. Soup's done when the noodles and greens are both cooked.
Top with scallions.

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