Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ayam Masak Merak

Ayam Masak Merak (Malay Cacciatore)
Serves 6-8

Space Paste:
7 Small Shallots
5 cloves garlic
1T ginger, minced
12 dried chiles, soaked
1T coriander
1t cumin
1t fennel
1T oil
.75c water
Puree and set aside.

3lbs boneless skinless chicken thigh, seasoned with salt and tumeric
6oz can tomato paste
4 cloves
2 star anise
5T oil
1t cinnamon
1t cardamom
1 can coconut milk
Bag spinach, some water chestnuts
1T sugar

Brown the chicken and reserve.
Saute spices for a few minutes, and add spice paste. Saute 15 minutes.

Add tomato paste, salt, sugar, and a little water and bring to a boil.
Add chicken and milk and cook 30 minutes. Add the greens, and serve once they're cooked.

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