Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mexican Chicken, Squash, and Potato Stew

Mexican Chicken, Squash, and Potato Stew
Serves 4-6

Annato oil
2 lbs chicken thighs, chunked
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minded
2 chilies, minced
1.5-2 lbs yellow/red potatoes, chunked
Like 2 lbs squash in half moons?
Chicken stock/water
8oz Tomato sauce
1 Avocado, diced
Cilantro, Sour Cream to Garnish

Fry garlic/onion/chilies in annato oil. Add chicken and cook until brown.
Add tomato sauce and chicken stock or water to cover, and cook 30 minutes. Add potatoes and cook 15. Add squash and cook another 5 or until just tender. Add stock along the way if there's not enough to keep everything cooking.

Finish with avocado, cilantro, and sour cream.

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