Monday, April 19, 2010

Green Curry Whatever

Green Curry
Serves 4

1-1.5 lbs meat, tofu, shrimp
1/3-1/2c green curry paste
1 can regular coconut milk
1 cup chicken stock
1 tbs fish sauce, soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
rind of 2 limes
1+ lbs hard veg (asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, mushroom)
1 can bamboo shoots
Cilantro, chilies, rice

Cut meat thinly, tofu into tiles, or leave shrimp alone.
Saute curry paste and lime rinds briefly to get them going.
Add coconut milk, stock, soy/fish sauces, and sugar. Let simmer for a few minutes to get the lime flavor out.
Add the meat and cook until almost done. Add vegetables and cook until everything is done.
Serve with rice, cilantro, and extra chilies.

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