Friday, March 23, 2012

Coconout Red Curry Mussels

Coconout Red Curry Mussels
Serves 2-3

1 bag mussels, de-bearded and soaked 15 minutes in cold water
A few Tbs onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp ginger, minced
1.5 Tbs red curry paste
1 Tbs curry powder
1 can light coconut milk
2 Tbs fish sauce
Juice and rind of 1/2 lime
Scallions, cilantro

Prep the mussels.
In a dutch oven or pot, saute the onion, rind, garlic and ginger for a few minutes. Add the paste and cook another minute. Add the coconut milk, fish sauce, and curry power and bring to a boil.
Add the mussels, stir around, and cover. Simmer 10 minutes or until mussels are opened. Discard any that didn't open.
Mix with scallions, cilantro, and lime juice. Serve with lots of toast.

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