Thursday, March 4, 2010

Curry Chicken (Kare Ayam)

Curry Chicken (Kare Ayam)
Serves 6

2.5 lbs boneless chicken thighs, chunked
2 medium Potatoes, chunked
1 can coconut milk
1 sprig Curry Leaves
1 Star arise
1 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
5 tbsp Oil
½ cup Water

Spice Paste (ground):
3 cloves Garlic
2c shallots
12 Dried Chili (soaked and remove seeds)
1tbs Turmeric
1tbs Coriander seeds
1tsp Fennel
1tsp Cumin
1tbs Shrimp paste (toasted)
1 Lemongrass (white part only)

10oz spinach, rough chop
1 zucchini, half-moons
1 tbsp Salt
1 tsp Sugar

Heat up your wok, pour in 5 tbsp oil, sauté cinnamon stick, star anise
and cloves, fry over low heat, add in spice paste and stir-fry until

Add chicken and curry leaves and fry well. Add in water, cover the pot,
braise over low heat until chicken is cooked well.
Add the thick coconut milk, potato, salt and sugar. Continue to simmer in
low heat for 20 minutes. Add zucchini and cook 5 minutes. Add spinach and
garnishes and wilt. Remove and serve with rice.

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