Monday, January 31, 2011

Southwest Chicken Salad Salad

Southwestern Chicken Salad Salad
For two

4oz baby greens, washed
1 chicken breast...maybe 6oz, in bite-sized pieces
1 can black beans, drained
1 avocado, diced
ground cumin
ground chili powder (optional)
cherry/grape tomatoes, halved
red onion
juice of 1 lime
caesar dressing

Season the chicken and cook. Reserve
Mix everything else except dressing and lime. Add a pinch of chili powder if using, and a big pinch of cumin. Add enough tomatoes to look right...maybe half a container.
Add lime juice and dressing to taste.

Friday, January 28, 2011

SE Asian Beef and Broccoli

SE Asian Beef and Broccoli
Serves 2

1 lbs beef, sliced for stir-fry
1 tbs cornstarch, some soy sauce, etc
1 lbs broccoli, in florets
1 small onion, thick sliced
2 gloves garlic, minced
1 tsp chili-garlic sauce
1 can sliced water chestnuts
1 Tbs soy sauce
2 tsp fish sauce
pinch sugar
1 tsp wine or hsao-sing
cilantro, lime, scallion

Mix the beef with cornstarch and enough liquids to make it get a little pasty. Brown the beef in the wok on high heat, and reserve.
Cook the broccoli until half done and reserve.
Add the onion and garlic and chili-garlic sauce and cook for a minute. Add the broccoli back and cook another minute or two.
Add the various liquids and sugar and water chestnuts and toss until heated through.
Mix in some lime, cilantro, and scallion, and serve with rice.

Seco de Carne con Tamarindo (Beef Stew with Tamarind)

Seco de Carne con Tamarindo (Beef Stew with Tamarind)
Serves 6

7 oz (~1 cup) tamarind pulp
1 cup water
4 strips bacon, optional
2.5 lb stew beef, in chunks
1 tbs cumin
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp coriander
1/2 tbs annato
4 shallots, chopped
2 red bell peppers, minced
2 habanero peppers, minced
3 large tomatoes, chopped
8 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 bunch cilantro
1 bottle beer
1 Tbsp chili powder
2 Tbsp brown sugar

Boil a cup of water in a pan, and add the broken-up tamarind. Drop heat to low and let sit 20 minutes. Strain and reserve liquid.
Add the liquid to a blender along with the tomatoes and beer and puree. Pre-heat oven to 350.

If using bacon, brown in a dutch oven and reserve. Season the beef with salt, pepper, and the spices, and brown in batches. Reserve.

Now saute the shallots and peppers until cooked. Add the garlic and cook another minute. Deglaze with the tamarind puree, and bring to a boil.

Add half the cilantro, along with chili powder and sugar. Puree now if desired. Add the meat(s) to the pan, and let the stew cook in the oven for 2.5 hours.

Once done, skim the stew, add the rest of the cilantro, and serve with rice, avocado, etc.

Chorizo, Mushroom, and Pea Risotto

Chorizo, Mushroom, and Pea Risotto
Serves 4

2 cups/1 lbs Arborio rice
olive oil
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
8oz mushrooms, sliced thick
1 lbs chorizo, sliced
1.5 cups peas
6c hot chicken stock

Brown chorizo in a little oil, and reserve.
In the same pan, fry onions and garlic for 2 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and paprika. Add the rice and cook for a few minutes.

Make risotto.

Once almost done, add in chorizo and peas, and heat through. Finish with a handful of Parmesan, some cilantro, and some olive oil.