Thursday, August 23, 2007

Traditional Pasta con Salsiccia e Verdure

Traditional Italian comfort food - at least my version of.

Pasta with Sausage and Greens: Pasta con Salsiccia e Verdure
Serves 6

1 lb Pasta - Orecchiette is traditional, or Penne/Farfalle/Shells
1 lb Sausage (Chicken is fine)
1 bunch/bag Greens - I prefer Kale, Rapini is also good
5 cloves garlic, sliced like paper
2 tsp Chili flakes
~2c Chicken stock

Cook Pasta
Cook Sausage in a non-nonstick skillet, slice into 1/4" rounds
Cook Kale in the chicken stock in a large saucepan. Cook for about 10 minutes, to taste.
Add garlic, chili flakes, and some oil to the sausage in the skillet, saute.
Add everything together in the pasta pot. Deglaze sausage pan with the kale cooking liquid (some might call that potlikkers) and add to the pasta.

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