Friday, November 2, 2007

Random Crap in a Pan

Clearing out the Fridge...

Braised Chicken with Brussels Sprouts
For one

1 Chicken breast half, seasoned and splayed
1 package Brussels Sprouts, cleaned and cut
A little frozen spinach
3/4 cup Chicken Stock
2 Tbs Italian jarred hot peppers (like for a sub)
1 clove garlic
Some pine nuts I think
Big pinch rosemary

In a 12-inch pan, heat olive oil.
Brown the sprouts with garlic. Season. Once sprouts are starting to brown, make a hole in the middle and start browning the chicken.
Once sprouts are well browned, remove and reserve. Brown the chicken on both sides.
Add stock, peppers, nuts, and rosemary to the pan to deglaze. Braise chicken until almost done.
Add spinach and sprouts and cook until everything is done and hot. Serve in a big pile of ugly.

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