Saturday, January 26, 2008

Korean Mussel Soup

Korean Mussel & Tofu Soup
Servings: 6

1 pkg. Tofu (fried)
2 lbs mussels
8oz noodles - udon/soba/etc
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbs ginger, minced
1 shallot, minced
1/4c gochujang
4 cups Beef stock + 2 cups water
2 Tbs Ground red pepper
1 bunch/bag/pound greens
3 scallions, sliced

Preparation Method:
Cube the tofu.
Clean the mussels.
Cook and drain the noodles
In a soup pot, saute the garlic, shallot, and ginger in oil. Add gochujang and saute for a minute. Add the beef stock and mix everything. Boil for 5-10 minutes.
Throw in the mussels. Once cooked, remove and reserve the meat.
Add tofu and greens and red pepper, cook until greens wilt.
Add noodles, scallion, and mussel meat. Mix and serve.

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