Tuesday, February 5, 2008

(Not)Clay Pot Chicken Rice

Sorta Malaysian style Arroz con Pollo

Claypot (Rice Cooker) Chicken Rice

2+ servings

2 cup long grain rice (uncooked)
2 cup room-temp chicken broth
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tsp ginger, minced
~8 small dried chiles, broken up
~4 tablespoons onions, chopped
3 tablespoons oyster sauce
2 tablespoon kecap manis
2 chicken breats halves, cubed Or 3 thighs
2 lap chang, sliced

Crispy hallots
2 chopped scallions
Bean sprouts
Par-cooked broccoli
Hot Sauce

1. Wash the rice, then stir in the rest of the ingredients
2. Cook the mixture in a rice-cooker as you normally would for rice.
3. Garnish the cooked rice with the shallots and spring onion and hot sauce

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