Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mussels Pasta in Spicy Chilli Bean Sauce


Mussels Fusili in Spicy Chilli Bean Sauce
Serves 4

1 lbs fusilli
3/4 lbs brussels sprouts, trimmed
1 bag mussels, cleaned
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
4 shallot, thinly sliced
Juice of a lime
fresh cilantro, chopped
6 tbsp of chili bean sauce

Par boil the brussels, and remove. Cook the pasta.
Saute garlic, shallot, some of the fresh corriander, and sprouts. Add mussels and the chilli bean sauce, mix well, cook until the mussels open.
Drain pasta, use some of the pasta water to thicken sauce, pour the pasta into the sauce mixture, mix well, garnish with freshly chopped cilantro.

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