Thursday, August 20, 2009

Potato Salad with Corn, Tomatoes, and Lemon

Potato Salad with Corn, Tomatoes, and Lemon
Serves 8

2.5lbs red potatoes, larger chunks
3 ears corn, cooked and nibbletized
2 handful chopped basil
1 pint whole grape tomato
1 small red onion, thin 1/4 slices
salt pepper
Juice of 3 lemon
~1/2c olive oil
2 teaspoons dijon mustard

Boil potatoes. Mix with 1/2 lemon's juice, and cool.
Make vinaigrette with mustard, 2 lemons' juice, salt, pepper, and enough oil to make it come together properly. Add extra 1/2 lemon juice if needed.
Mix everything, cool, reseason, and serve.

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