Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Risotto with Chicken and Fennel

Risotto with Chicken and Fennel
Serves 3

1.5c Arborio rice
8oz chicken breast
Oregano, salt, pepper
1 small onion, small dice
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbs butter
1/4c white wine
Chile flakes
1 smaller fennel, sliced thin
4oz mushrooms, sliced
4 cups chicken stock
Balsamic, Parmesan, Parsley

Season the chicken with s/p and oregano, cut into bit sized pieces.
Make risotto: Sweat the onion, fennel and garlic with butter and salt and chile flakes, and then add the rice. Saute for a few minutes, and add the wine and one mushroom fine diced.
Add stock and chicken and start making risotto. At about 20 minutes of elapsed stir time, add mushrooms.
Once risotto is at proper done-ness and creaminess, finish with a bunch of parmesan, a splash of balsamic, and some parsley.

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