Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Matzo Brei

How I make Fried Matzo

Matzo Brei (Fried Matrzo)

3 eggs
3T milk/cream/etc
5 sheets matzo (Streit's Lightly Salted is the best IMO)
Heavy on the salt
Super heavy on the fresh-cracked pepper.
1 Tbs Butter

1. Beat together eggs, milk, and little salt/pepper
2. Run each sheet of matzo under hot water for a split second. Then break, fold over, break, fold over until you get bite-sized pieces (3/4inch?) Mix with the eggs.
3. Heat the butter in a big pan. Mix the matzo and eggs well, and add to the pan. Add a little more salt/pepper.
4. Cook until it's all done. I like mine firm.
5. Move to a plate, and top with whatever you want. I like salt and a dumptruck of fresh cracked black pepper. Other people like applesauce, maple syrup, cinnamon-sugar, etc.

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