Monday, September 24, 2007

Weirdo Mashed Potatoes

I was assigned the job of making mashed potatoes for our Erev Yom Kippur dinner the other night. But what did I see but a random mix of fancypants organic malnourished little yukon, red, and Peruvian purple potatoes! But in the end, this worked quite well.

Technicolor Mashed Potatoes
Served 6

Mixed little potatoes, mostly Peruvian purples. Enough to fill a 3-Quart saucepan.
4T Butter
~1.25c Milk/Cream
Lotsa Salt, Pepper
8 or so gigantic chives, about 1/2 cup chopped

Scrub and cut up the potatoes. Boil them (skin on).
Make mashed potatoes!
Eat them! Amazingly enough, they won't look like purple nastyness.

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