Sunday, February 22, 2015

African Peanut Stew with Chicken and Okra

African Peanut Stew with Chicken and Okra
Serves 6-8

1.75 lbs chicken thighs, cubed
Salt, pepper, cayenne, coriander
1 onion
6 cloves garlic
1 each of habanero, red pepper, fryer
2 tbs ginger, minced
1 Tbs curry powder
1 Tbs sriracha
15oz can tomato sauce
Box chicken stock (4c)
1 large sweet potato, cubed (3-4c)
1/2c chunky peanut butter
16oz frozen cut okra
Can chickpeas
1 large tomato, diced
Big handful cilantro, lime

Season and brown chicken in a dutch oven. Remove.
Puree the vegetables (or fine dice) and fry along with ginger and spices. Add chicken, tomato sauce, and stock, and simmer 30 minutes.
Add sweet potato and peanut butter to the pot and simmer another 30 minutes or so, until potato is cooked. Skim the fat often.
Add the okra, chickpeas, and tomato and cook 5 minutes or until cooked through and the stew has thickened from the okra.
Stir through cilantro and some lime and serve with rice

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